Sunday, July 5, 2009

I am full

I am full!! Its worth repeating. I am full!! I had an incredible experience today. I had the privilege of going to a textile art show today. I went with 5 of my friends. One of my friends was brought back to a time growing up. I saw her grow and swell with pride. I have never seen this in her before. She was proud of her heritage and who she came from. The other women I went with didn't get it completely. They did.... in various stages and depths. But not completely. It was one of the most emotional, thought provoking exhibits I have had the privilege to see. There was a movie about the artists and then Q & A with 5 of the artists. There was a man there that fought for these artists and their work to be seen. I admired him so much. He went against the grain for what he believed in. I admired them all so much. They had a faith that was so strong and so alive. They have so little materially and so much spiritually. Amazing, strong, humble, beautiful, women. I don't know what I admired more the art or the artist. Awesome! When we walked out of the museum there was a breeze...we both felt it....we both commented on was felt awesome. There is nothing more beautiful than the simplicity of creation and strength.

We all went to lunch 1st. M y blood sugar dropped bad. I ate a banana from a restaurant and was fine. I made a decent choice for lunch, we ordered 2 deserts and 5 forks. When I came home I found myself wanting to eat because that is what I do. But I feel full!! Gee... does this mean I am an emotional eater. Ha LOL I am craving good stuff tho.

I am blessed. I am happy. I am content.

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